In just a few days, Rick and I and our trusty Volvo stationwagon will begin our trek out east. We're excited about our little road trip, visiting family and a few friends along the way and revisiting the Grand Canyon. Not exactly on the way, I know, but with family in Wyoming, a close girlfriend in Utah and another friend in Sante Fe, NM, how could we not? We've got our guide books (thanks Kurto!), a toolbox (thanks Dad!), and some good snacks (thanks Trader Joe's!) to get us there. It's good to take advantage of transitional times in life - to rest, be with loved ones, and have a little aventure too.
It's bittersweet leaving Portland and I've discovered a deep well of emotion within me. I find myself crying a lot - over sweet commericials, young lovers in a movie who swear they'll die without each other, seeing friend's pregnant bellies, and of course, the thought of saying goodbyes again. "It's no fun," I keep telling myself, but I have to remind myself too of the good that's in store: getting to know my in-laws and extended family; a home of our own where we can dream, play, garden and hopefully begin a family of our own; new job opportunities; new places to explore...
To everyone who made this past month and a half a special time for us, thank you, thank you, thank you. We are truly blessed.
Dick, Mom, David & Trish
(above) Papa, Mary Lou & Jim
(below) The Newlyweds - Dan & Laura
Ravid = Rick & David, Faye & Cindy Happy 2nd Birthday Atticus!!!
Adjumani Community reunion - Esther Miller
The Tramel Fam - Katie, Ivy & Dustin
After we said goodbye to you we realized we didn't get a picture of you two! Oh well... Send one with your Christmas card or something! Hope your move is going well.
awww... you two clean up so nice! :)
We haven't talked for a very long time. I am glad to see you are back and you look beautiful in the wedding pics!
So you are moving to Ohio, eh? I reckon that's just a state maybe, just maybe, I will get to see you!?!?!? I was trying to find your email last night and I failed miserably...but I would love to hear from you and see what your plans are. :) Talk to you soon!
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